March 06, 2007

Dad's an arsehole

This seemingly inoffensive made-by-numbers US TV ad catches my eye because it presents many of society’s ills in a neat 60-second package.

In a nutshell, these kiddies are excited because “Dad’s making dinner” which is another way of saying “Dad can’t be arsed to cook so he’s getting us a McDonald’s”.
In it we have:
- Workaholic society with dads who probably like using the phrase “quality time” to describe pressure-timetabled neglect.
- Hyperactive children going frantic at the prospect of a high-glucose, saturated-fat hit.
- The implication that the opposite type of meal i.e. mum’s home-cooking, is shit.

1 comment:

Insider said...

Don't worry, it would never be shown on tv in most of Europe, worried as we are about (Made in the US?) obesity & children. Even more, for the moment, than about global warming and suv's.