April 19, 2007

Golden shower

"Drinking American beer is like making love in a canoe... it's fucking close to water"
- Monty Python.

Apologies to my American friends. I'm sure you do brew some decent stuff, but why do you export this to us?


RFB said...

On behalf of America, allow me to apologize for our ignorance, arrogance and poor taste.

I came of age in Germany, where beer is pretty much a national treasure. Then I moved back here and was sorely disappointed in what passes for beer.

We're still a young country, a touch naive, and obviously immature. We're more interested in the buzz than we are the taste.

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck do you Brits let us?


And not just the brew, I’m still searching for decent fish and chips around here, (North Jersey).

SchizoFishNChimps said...

because we're morons and believe the advertising.

But seriously, the US apparently has some pretty good micro breweries. I guess you're like the Germans and their wine: keeping the good stuff for yourselves... a line which Carlsberg has taken with their advertising (very successfully too).