June 12, 2008
June 09, 2008
WTF? Damn gorgeous I am, that's what.
They ought to bloody well call me Mr Five Jobs. Working on the ad coalface requires three pairs of hands and damn hard helmet. This requires a no-brainer post from my shock file. Here's something that heaves with WTFness.
June 06, 2008
June 05, 2008
Dear Brand X, the consumer says you’re fucked
Here’s a little mischief at the expense of some big brands. Which brands elicit the responses EVIL, DISGUSTING and BORING, when visitors are asked to describe them?
Browse the list here, or contribute your own thought emissions to a random brand egg here.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Libels: cool
June 02, 2008
Next on the list: ravish a Vestal Virgin
Go to Scamp's place for the video and related chatter over Honda's live TV ad.
It’s a sure sign that TV advertising is well into its decadent phase when you have this level of pre-hype. The single minor difference is that this wasn’t a disappointing sequel (think paint and trucks).
This medium must be screwed if you have to drive viewers to it just to watch an ad.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Libels: sad